Saturday, November 3, 2012

Onnam padi eduthu- Tamil folk song

I think some of you might have heard this very classic Tamil folk song. I don't have words to describe this but just try to enjoy the song here!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Resonance - Beyond Science

"An idle mind is the devil's workshop". Likewise my idle brain had some thoughts of how Ghosts can be real at all?

Disclaimer: The contents are 100% trial versions of the thinking software in my brain. The context does not contain mathematical, scientific, social, historical, geographical, economical etc., etc. licenses.  Just enjoy the fun of thinking!

Okay. Coming back to title: Resonance; in very simple words, is the ability of a particle to oscillate at very great amplitudes at a certain frequency. And while oscillation takes place, energy transfer may occur from the system in which the particle oscillates to another system. Then these two systems are said to be in resonance with each other. Resonances are small driving forces producing large amplitudes. Now, Resonance can be put under these categories; Electrical, Mechanical, Orbital, Nuclear Magnetic. Without going deep into the sciences, I shall quote an example for Electrical Resonance. The recent development in the Electric Power Transmission is the concept of "WITRICITY". It brings practically the concept of transmission of electric power without wires (conductors). Doesn’t this amaze you? Fine, the concept in simple words is that, when two coils resonate at higher frequencies, there shall be a power transfer. Let me stop this techie here.

Fine! Why at all resonance? And how I tried to relate with my spooky imaginations?

Let's go invisible! I am sure that everyone must have seen the movie "Hollowman". How at all he is invisible? There is some explanation that removing the Physco-Neuro-Thermodynamic bond in the PARTICLES of the human body can achieve the concept of invisibility. Let me come to the particles in the later parts. Now these particle acting coherently can achieve the energy transfer in the whole system (as I said previously "resonating systems")

Let's go paranormal! In another movie "Matilda" (and in a lot more movies), she can move objects by her eyes. Now this has got some explanations in the concept of Psychokinetic energy. (As I said, once again, driving forces)

Now, let's go spooky! Entering the core idea of the topic; Ghostly Images, Slams and Screams. Why at all some accept the presence of ghosts and some doesn't? I tried to relate this concept with resonance. When a person resonates with the so called ghosts, he may feel or see its presence. There are lots of ghost theories explained and unexplained. Let me describe how I relate resonance with ghosts. Now I shall tell about the PARTICLE that I had mentioned in the earlier part. Every human body is made up of fundamental particles-biologically-a cell; and in terms of energy-Neutrinos. These neutrinos are fundamental particles bound by the Physco-Neuro-Thermodynamic (PNT) bond. When the human dies, the PNT bond breaks and as per law of conservation of energy, the energy possessed by the human body is stilled possessed by these neutrinos. If at all these neutrinos are still coherent and resonant together, can cause a visual or acoustic impact which we can term as ghost. Can you get that point? Just simply, when the human body resonates with such coherent neutrinos, sees or feels the ghost. And why we cannot image the ghost? This is due to the weak intractability of the neutrinos.

Okay we can try to expand the application of this concept with martial arts, mind reading, fate, future predictions, intimacy between people, supernatural powers and theism etc. But I am yet to explore those areas. Let me jump deep into those areas while my mind sparks and share to you later.

Now entering some incidents happened!
-levitation of boulders visualized in Gushan, China at 2009
-Observation of flying stones in Ratria (M.P), India in 2004
-and the formation of Tree of Avatar in the sun’s layer
Let me not bore you by going into science!

Alright, now let me remind you some very simple and worldly scenes of resonance.
-breaking of glasses from the voice of opera singer
-music therapy
-vibration of mechanical parts in automobiles
-and the famous school experiment “the resonance column experiment
.........and finally whatever and wherever.

This thinking raised leads in me to a lot other concepts. I am still working out to relate them with some logic.

I am sure this article might have been either funny or logical. I felt both while writing this. So let us have fun.

I would be happy to have likes and dislikes on this topic.

Kodana Kodi Nandrigal..!!!